Police has arrested a jeep driver from his house in Banjara Hills allegedly for steeling Rs 5 lakh cash of Corporation Bank. Driver carried out theft while the money was being transferred from the bank’s Chittoor branch to its Hyderguda branch.
On May 14, Corporation Bank, Hyderaguda branch, manager S Shastri along with security guard Chakravarthi and attender Prakash went to Corporation Bank’s branch in Chittoor to collect Rs 60 lakh excess cash from there.
As usual the tri went to Chittoor in a private vehicle hired by the bank since last three years, with the regular driver, Mahboob Pasha of Syed Nagar, Banjara Hills.
As per the reports of the police, the Hyderabad branch officials started back from Chittoor on May 15 with Rs 60 lakh cash packed in two steel chests.
As it got late, the bank officials decided to stop in Kurnool on May 15 and deposited the money at Corporation Bank in Kurnool.
"The bank staff shifted one box into the bank and the driver, who was sitting in the jeep, noticed that one side of the cash chest was not locked. He slightly lifted the chest door and removed a Rs 500 note bundle worth Rs 5 lakh," Narayanguda inspector of police G Jogaiah said.
The officials did not had knowledge of theft has been carried out they shifted the second cash chest into the bank and collected the same from there the next day and left for Hyderabad.
"While counting the cash at the Hyderguda branch, they realised that Rs 5 lakh was missing. The bank manager lodged a complaint at the police station on May 16," Jogaiah said.
Police interrogated the officials and the driver. On Tuesday morning police arrested driver Mahboob Pasha from his house at Syed Nagar in Banjara Hills and recovered the stolen amount from his house.
After taking remand from the court he has been kept in the judicial custody.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
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