State Bank of Patiala has opened 30 branches across the North India. T Lokeshaiah, chief general manager, the State Bank of Patiala said, for current financial year said that the bank has set a target of opening more than 100 new branches. With this bank total branch network will exceed 1,000.
Out of this, the bank will open 40 branches in Punjab, 20 in Haryana, 10 in HP, 10 in Rajasthan and remaining branches will be spread across Chandigarh, J&K, Delhi, UP, Uttrakhand, Maharashtra and four southern states.
The 20 branches will be opened by the Bank under the Brick & Mortar model of financial inclusion initiative, under which bank will cover unbanked villages with population of 2,000 and above, allocated to the bank by State Level Banker’s Committee (SLBC), to reach to the poorest of the poor.
Monday, November 1, 2010
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